Postgame presser: Jordan Ferrell's thoughts after 0-0 draw with Sac Republic

Photo courtesy of Oakland Roots SC

The Oakland Roots were able to end its five-match losing streak with a 0-0 draw with the Sacramento Republic at Las Positas and narrowly missed out on a couple of scoring chances. 

Here is a full transcription of Oakland Roots' head coach and technical director Jordan Ferrell's post-match thoughts.

Initial thoughts on the game? 

"It was an interesting match; plenty of opportunities for us. They were really organized and sat a little deeper than we thought they would, we thought they would come and press us like they did the first two games, but that created some different issues for us. 

"I think it was good to welcome back a couple of players, obviously, Quincy [Amarikwa] got his debut with us but also Lindo [Mfeka] got his first game back in a little while. We're starting to see more of our squad come together. 

"We got to put those chances away, there's no doubt there were three points on the table today. It's good to break the duck and get a clean sheet as well, I believe that was equally as important."

How did the system and game plan progress?

"We expected them to press high for moments, so when they sat deep in the beginning, the line of confrontation was right around the center circle. What we tried to do was drop Mati [Matias Fissore], that gave us a little more ball security as the ball moved side-to-side. 

"I think you're seeing a relatively stable shape for us, and there's a couple piece that are slightly different depending on the personnel. I think our back-four did really well today, you saw a little rotation with Akeem [Ward] getting rest tonight and Soya [Takahashi] and Memo [Diaz] doing a great job at outside back. 

"And then in midfield, the young guys [Ariel] Mbumba and Danny [Flores] did a really good job in the beginning of the game and we got to see with Wal Fall and Lindo coming on later on. We're also building relationships, like Brandon [Allen], [Jeremy] Bokila, Quincy; all players who haven't played a lot together. The good thing is we have a lot of minutes over the next couple of weeks. We'll work those relationships out as quickly as possible." 

How frustrating is it to control the game, but not get the goal?

"It's very frustrating. We were watching games earlier today, and it's like the ball is just not bouncing our way in those moments. But, the optimism is there and we're getting into great scenarios and creating great chances. The way things have played for us the last couple of weeks, we don't really have a rhythm. We saw that against Tacoma, where things that happened was more indicative of the beginning of the season.

"Tonight, we're starting to see a whole lot more of that rhythm show up. They were making saves off their line and that's a good situation that we haven't been in every game. There's a lot of positives; its good we can get there consistently, we showed that tonight, but now we gotta start tucking those away. That's a mentality as much as it is execution."

Does it feel like we're knocking on the door of breakthrough?

"Yeah it does, for sure. The goose-egg on the defensive side of things is something we prioritize, I've reiterated that a lot because it gives us a platform for everything and confidence. 

"I think it's the next step for us, the game against the Galaxy this weekend will be a big challenge for us. Last time we saw them, we didn't have our full squad. This time, I think we're starting to get closer and closer to our full squad, so it'll be a much different game than we've seen the first two outings."

How does the stadium uncertainty impact the players?

"The guys saw the news about Merritt this morning, it's certainly a challenge. It's something that if the group has the right mentality about how they approach challenges, what it means for them, and to focus on the football. I say it to the team on the sidelines, that's what we control. 

"We might not control where we play, we might not control the referees, or other factors, but we do control the way we play football. If we continue to do that, we'll get the results. It doesn't matter where we're gonna play. We'll play away games and we may not play every game at Laney, but they now know what playing at Laney feels like. 

"It'll be really exciting when we get back to Laney, but still playing in Oakland [Merritt College] on the weekend is going to be a really, really different feel. Merritt is a really cool spot there in the hills, the view on the drive in give you some context on the enormity of Oakland. I think when the guys see the setup, they'll feel confident it's a home game and the atmosphere will be great.

"It's still our home field, the job is there for us to go out and get three points." 

Regarding Quincy Amarikwa and his veteran impact on the team.

"We've been playing a lot of our younger guys and now you see tonight, just the way he talks to his teammates. It's a really important boost for the team at this point in the season. We know he believes in what we're building here; the energy he brings and showed tonight when he worked 50-yards to close down a ball.

"It's not something that a player of his caliber usually does [close down a ball from distance], but its something he does with his type of personality. The group sees a guy that has played more than 200 MLS games come in and chase somebody down for 50-yards just to knock a ball out of bounds. 

"It changes the way you work, I think that was really stimulating for everyone to see."


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